Archived Programs

Spiritual answers to stress and relationship issues with your host, Roland Trujillo.

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December 27, 2020
Obsessions and Compulsions
A caller asks about obsessive-compulsive disorder. Roland discusses casting doubt. You must learn how to watch doubt without responding or reacting.

December 20, 2020
Avoiding Oppression
A totalitarian spirit brings meanness and impatience. With the devilishly clever things others say, don't doubt yourself and trust what you know is right.

December 13, 2020
Love the Truth
Christ came to bring good news, but to benefit you need a special attitude. Those in your own family were stubborn and pressured you. To recover, you need awareness and forgiveness.

December 6, 2020
Stress Relief in God's Light
Jesus was a stress conqueror. He experienced temptation and torture, and he overcame them by not reacting. Through patience and self control, you too can conquer stress with the help of God's Light.

November 29, 2020
Escape Into Selfishness
We've all received wakeup calls. Some people stay awake, and others escape into selfish motivations. To truly improve as a person, Roland tells how you must come close to the Light from God.

November 22, 2020
Trauma and Its Effect
Roland reads from Paul's epistle to the Romans. To stop being a slave to sin, you must avoid reacting wrongly. Learn the secret of watching the world without reacting.

November 15, 2020
A Christian Approach to Stress
Tease or cruelty can elicit an improper response. You must learn to respond rightly to stress.

November 8, 2020
Wisdom and True Love
Much information in the world is missing wisdom and love. Right living requires wisdom from God, not only worldly planning. Roland tells how to get in touch with this wisdom.

November 1, 2020
Finding Rest in You
As we go through life, we become more and more like those we had contempt for. Roland tells how to stop falling away from the Creator, and instead find rest for your soul.

October 25, 2020
Beyond Stress
If you resent someone else, not only does that person bother you, but you become more sensitive. Roland tells how to react rightly and avoid stress.

October 18, 2020
Away from Selfishness
Many of us are restless, because we have not found rest in God. How do you do that? Roland tells how you can by forgiving others and avoiding self-seeking.

October 11, 2020
Resent Not Evil
You must learn to bear cruelty and torment without resentment. If you resent, you're responding to evil and are no longer centered. The free Meditation will help you remain centered.

October 4, 2020
Overcoming Pressure
Slowly but surely, parents, school, and authorities got to you through pressure. Roland explains how you must be motivated from within, not reacting to outside pressure.

September 27, 2020
Finding Your True Life
Are you having marriage troubles? Many think that separating will allow one to find true life. Roland tells how doing the usual--taking the wide path--can allow temptation to take hold, and discusses how to keep your marriage strong.

September 20, 2020
Hate Separates
Spiritual Light is all around you, but you have to find it. Light contains both light and heat. Similarly, God's Light can give you both truth and love.

September 13, 2020
False Promise
The soul can be touched in a good or bad way. When you become resentful, or when you chase after a false promise, the soul is touched in a negative way. Roland tells how you can find healing.

September 6, 2020
How Evil Obtains Power
Why do people do bad things? False suggestion, resulting in you either rebelling or trying out a wrong idea, can be dangerous. Roland tells how to stay armed against evil--by following the Light within you.

August 30, 2020
What Is Temptation?
Many of us are separated from our true life. We daydream and look for excitement for our ego in a search for glory. Roland describes forms of temptation and how to avoid them.

August 23, 2020
Recovering From Meanness
The baggage of the past (tease, meanness, and trauma) is not supposed to hold you back. If you are resentful, you'll become a slave to the past. Roland tells how to engage the future with joy.

August 16, 2020
Walking The Path Yourself
God is continually refreshing the universe. Are you stuck in worry and unhappiness? Roland tells how to find awareness and become refreshed.

August 9, 2020
Beyond the Life Force
There are two ways of living: the temporary earthly life and the forever life from God. The earthly fallen life comes from pressures from outside. Roland describes the life from God and how to find it.

August 2, 2020
The Path to Christ
Many of us avoid awareness because it brings discomfort, like going to face the boss. When you take awareness with you, you can handle situations rightly.

July 26, 2020
What Does My Marriage Partner Want?
Marriage requires love and faith, and these qualities come from the Heavenly Father. Roland discusses the importance of fathers, both the one you can see and the one you cannot see.

July 19, 2020
Walk in Newness of Life
Roland reads from Romans 6 and discusses how many of us react too much to the outside. We then lose awareness and become suggestible. Instead, learn to be impelled from within.

July 12, 2020
Finding God's Kingdom
Christ said the Kingdom of Heaven is all around you. You have been transported out of the Kingdom into another realm, that of this world. Roland tells how to enjoy this earth while also tasting of Heaven. The Best of Roland--originally aired December 29, 2019.

July 5, 2020
The Problem-Free Existence
If you could love your neighbor as yourself, your stress would go away. Instead, most of us succumb to irritation, nervousness, and resentment. Roland discusses what it means to love your neighbor.

June 28, 2020
Doing a Reality Check
Roland discusses how problems and issues he's seen in people have changed over the past 30 years. The Inner Light allows you to see injustice clearly, and you had it as a child. With the Light, Roland tells how you can know and follow your right path.

June 21, 2020
Conforming to the Light
Roland reads from Experiencing God Through Prayer by Madame Jeanne Guyon. The rich nuggets of truth will inspire you in your walk with God. A right walk involves staying in the present moment.

June 14, 2020
The Fullness of Time
When thing's seem like they aren't working out, maybe they are. Roland describes how God can guide your life in unexpected ways. This is all the more reason to avoid ambition and avoid response to worldly stimuli.

June 7, 2020
Physics, Metaphysics, and Meditation
If you meet each moment with awareness, you will have awareness from above. Instead, most of us set goals and then react to the outside. Roland tells how to find perfect access to God's wisdom.

May 31, 2020
Understanding the Lower Self
Roland reads from his new book Tough Problems, Tender Solutions. Then he discusses the lower self and why it is important. We're born subject to tease, and ultimately we must overcome the self created from response to temptation.

May 24, 2020
Living Naturally
People around you should have had wisdom, but they didn't. If you were misled by others, you may now be nervous and full of conflict. Join Roland as he tells how to refind contentment and live naturally.

May 17, 2020
Identifying False Belief
Starting from Adam, people have believed lies. What you believe determines your life. Join Roland as he shows you how to find a new zest for life by aligning your beliefs with the Truth.

May 10, 2020
Understanding Stress
Roland discusses the importance of the moment before your response. This crucial moment will let you avoid ambition and remain centered. You can reverse the impact of traumas, tease, and rejection with Roland's guidance.

May 3, 2020
Relating to People Properly
Roland discusses how to snap out of being lost in thought. When you do what's right in each moment,you'll avoid stress and be right with conscience.

April 26, 2020
The Pre-Time Force
Do you remember sitting quietly and noticing time passing by? We have consciousness which can be aware of time. Roland explores how time operates and why we need to stay in the present.

April 19, 2020
The Good Reluctance
Twists and subtleties of the spoken word can make us move wrongly. Roland tells how trying something on your own without God is unwise.

April 12, 2020
Finding Your Balance
When another does wrong to you, don't resent the person! God created a moral economy, in which there is justice. Roland tells how when you lose something and don't hate or judge, there's magic as God restores your balance.

April 5, 2020
Many of us are pressured to do more, work more, and study more. Roland tells how not to succumb to pressure by awakening to what you know is right in your heart.

March 29, 2020
Dealing with Stress, Part 2
Roland describes how stress is a lack of faith and a lack of love. By conforming and escaping from reality, you entered a false life, and Roland can help you recover.

March 22, 2020
Grow in Character
Where does character come from? We all know to have compassion, longsuffering, and wisdom, but too many lose sight of these in the midst of the vicissitudes of life. Roland describes how to find and grow in character.

March 15, 2020
Dealing With Stress
When you were a child, you were forced to react. Your parents became angry, and you became afraid. Roland tells how to free yourself from past trauma.

March 8, 2020
Separation from Truth
Excessive study, depending on experts, and looking for approval from the world all can separate you from Truth. What you need is not reassurance from the world, but a right relationship with the Creator. Roland describes how we become separated from Truth.

March 1, 2020
Have I Lost My True Identity?
Many, perhaps including you, are traumatized by a parent. The way to recover from trauma involves not resenting.

February 23, 2020
The Dangers of Resentment
The Creator gives us intuition, but resentment cuts us off from it. Intuition is wordless and involves staying in the present. Roland describes the importance of paying attention to your intuition.

February 16, 2020
Become Not What You Hate
Many parents are bossy and say mean things. You must avoid a wrong response. Roland tells how if you resent others, especially parents, for their mistake, you risk becoming just like them.

February 9, 2020
Dealing With a Bully
Bullies spew terrible words, and can force an emotional reaction on you. Their many strategies can involve putdowns, violence, or acting nice to confuse you. Roland describes how with the practice of meditation, you can learn to watch a bully and lessen your emotion. If you have to deal with a bully on a daily basis, this program is for you.

February 2, 2020
Don't Be Seduced
Have you had this experience? You go to a movie, see a shocking scene which leaves an image in your mind, and you leave feeling sullen, dirty, or like something is clinging to you. Roland describes how negative forces can get on the inside and how to reverse it.

January 26, 2020
The Problem with Emotion, Part 2
Do you want to give yourself a headache or a stomachache? Of course not. Yet you become tense and irritated at people and situations. Roland goes in depth into how emotion operates.

January 19, 2020
The Problem with Emotion
Emotion puts wear on the body. As a child, people teased and pressured you, mainly with words, and you became reactive. If someone upsets you, that person gains control over you. Roland tells how to find control of your emotions.

January 12, 2020
Give and Be Rewarded
Do you feel drained? Others may be taking energy from you. When you resent, do something ambitiously, or do something too excitedly, you use the wrong energy. Roland tells how to give righteously.

January 5, 2020
Overcoming Your Environment
Most people go along to get along. Animals react to the environment, but humans have a choice factor. Roland tells how to be yourself by awakening to what you know in your heart.

Archived programs from 2019