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Spiritual answers to stress and relationship issues with your host, Roland Trujillo.
December 25, 2011
Special Holiday Message from Pastor Roland
Find happiness and leave behind
the baggage from the past. This is a Best of Roland, originally aired December
11, 2011.
December 18, 2011
Find Peace of Mind and Begin Your Journey
Back to Joy and Hope Today
Pastor Roland brings a special
holiday message about spiritual recovery. How to get started today with
meditation and leave behind unhappiness and stress. This is a Best of Roland,
originally aired December 11, 2011.
December 11, 2011
Repair Your Life God's Way of Repentance
In this special holiday program,
Pastor Roland discusses how to re-find joy, innocence and a life of discovery.
Find restoration in the Eternal Now. How God is near and how to find Him. Pastor
makes a special request for financial help.
December 4, 2011
A Special Holiday Message
Today's Talk to a Pastor Topics:
Say goodbye to the holiday blues, and beat PTSD with meditation. A review of
some good books and more.
November 20, 2011
How to Discover God's Will and Find His
Today's Talk to a Pastor Topic:
God is waiting to forgive you. It's never too late to regret your wrongs and
grasp salvation. Pastor Roland also talks about his Christian Meditation.
November 13, 2011
"Lead Us Not Into Temptation"
Pastor Roland discusses subtle
temptations and how to overcome them. Distractions, false comfort, and teases
are potential trouble if you don't know how to deal with them. This is a Best of
Roland, originally aired November 6, 2011.
November 6, 2011
Successful Living: How to Overcome
Talk to a Pastor Today's Topics:
How to conquer temptation the right way. Stop distracted driving and distracted
living. Finding the peace of God. Pastor Roland concludes with an invitation to
visit his website and try his mindfulness meditation.
October 30, 2011
PTSD & The Bible: How to Refind Joy
Pastor Roland discusses how over
reacting begins a downward slide into negative thoughts and corruption. He
addresses the importance of meditation for mental distance. He tells the story
of the Garden of Eden in terms of stress. The Best of Roland - originally aired
August 14, 2011.
23, 2011
Say Goodbye to Stress, Guilt, and Anxiety
In this important lecture, Pastor
Roland discusses the metaphysical causes of stress and how to successfully
overcome temptation without upset and resentment. Why all your anxieties, fears
and tensions are the result of faulty reactions. If you suffer from anxiety or
guilt and feel out of control, this lecture will explain why, and show you how
to start recovering naturally.
16, 2011
"Where There Is No Vision, The People
Pastor discusses this passage from
Proverbs. Pastor Roland talks about the failure of fathers and the shame of
clueless educators and leaders. He calls for a return to God and truth.
9, 2011
There is No Salvation Without Repentance
Pastor Roland discusses how the
process of salvation begins. How to recognize the "still small voice." How does
repentance begin? This is a "best of" program, first aired Oct. 2, 2011.
2, 2011
How Do I Get Saved?
Pastor Roland discusses the
metaphysics of regeneration. He begins his lecture by again warning how the
comfort zone keeps us from searching for the purpose of our existence. He then
discusses original sin, the Adamic nature, and how we might be transformed to
live forever. This is one of Roland's impromptu theological lectures which he is
fond of giving.
25, 2011
Conquer Worries, Doubts and Fears
Pastor Roland announces his new
web site "Christian After Dark", dedicated to people working the night shift.
His site is devoted to helping people find peace of mind.
18, 2011
Pastor Roland's Inbox
What happens when we die? Are
there dinosaurs in the Bible? Why does God send people to hell? Roland begins
with a discussion of the comfort zone and why we must wake up. Then Pastor
answers questions from his email inbox. What happens when we die? Why doesn't
the Bible mention dinosaurs? Is there a hell? Is Jesus God?
11, 2011
A Christian Pastor Discusses Trauma and its
Pastor Roland talks about various
psychic and emotional traumas and how the traumatic memory is created. He
discusses why the resolution of trauma has a deeply spiritual aspect--finding
God, our Parent Spirit. Roland discusses the free resources available. Roland
also discusses his new book The Myths and Mysteries of Marriage and the many
issues it may help repair. The Best of Roland -- originally aired July 24, 2011.
September 4, 2011
How Salvation Begins
Pastor Roland discusses the
fundamentals of salvation and how it hinges on forgiving others. This is a
program you won't want to miss. Roland makes metaphysics understandable and down
to earth.
August 28, 2011
Ask a Pastor About Dating, Courtship &
Roland answers questions from his
inbox. A listener asks about why God allows suffering. Next Roland talks about
the difference between dating and courtship. He talks about what to look for
when choosing a mate. The Best of Roland - originally aired May 15, 2011.
August 21, 2011
Proof that the Soul Exists
Pastor Roland proves that humans
have souls. He talks about principles that protect mental health and a positive
state of mind. Philosophy, metaphysics and theology come alive in this
fascinating lecture.
August 14, 2011
PTSD & The Bible: How to Refind Joy
Pastor Roland discusses how over
reacting begins a downward slide into negative thoughts and corruption. He
addresses the importance of meditation for mental distance. He tells the story
of the Garden of Eden in terms of stress.
August 7, 2011
Can I Love Again - Pastor Roland Says Yes
The song said "What the world
needs now is love sweet love." Pastor Roland agrees and devotes today's program
to discussing what blocks love and understanding. He shows how to get unblocked
and find love for yourself and others. This program is one of Roland's classics
to download and listen to again and again.
July 31, 2011
Pastor Chat - Recent Questions
Radio Pastor answers questions
about adultery, tattoos, and breaking promises. The Best of Roland -- originally
aired April 17, 2011.
July 24, 2011
A Christian Pastor Discusses Trauma and its
Pastor Roland talks about various
psychic and emotional traumas and how the traumatic memory is created. He
discusses why the resolution of trauma has a deeply spiritual aspect--finding
God, our Parent Spirit. Roland discusses the free resources available. Roland
also discusses his new book The Myths and Mysteries of Marriage and the many
issues it may help repair.
July 17, 2011
Today's Talk to a Pastor Radio Topics: Best
Relationships Book and PTSD
Roland introduces his new book on
marriage and then devotes two segments to discussing emotional control and PTSD.
He concludes by telling everyone where to preview his book. The Best of Roland
-- originally aired June 19, 2011.
July 10, 2011
PTSD Prevention and Recovery
Pastor Roland says the whole human
race has PTSD. He discusses its roots in childhood emotional trauma and how it
leads to change for the worse. To illustrate traumatic recall, Roland tells
about a lady who developed allergies after a huge fight with her husband.
Recovery from PTSD must include forgiveness of others and self, and a
restoration of faith and hope. He concludes with a discussion of the benefits of
the complementary meditation to become recentered.
July 3, 2011
Talk to a Pastor Host Discusses Forgiveness
and PTSD on Radio Program
Roland introduces his new
relationship book. He then talks about PTSD and why it is also a moral crisis
and involves a wounded soul. He discusses why spiritual counseling can help a
person restore their faith, trust and self acceptance.
June 26, 2011
End Times Prophesy - Are You Ready?
Pastor opens the program by saying
that we are living through events of Biblical proportions. It is time to get
right with God. Pastor encourages listeners to use the free resources. He talks
about dads and fathers -- how they fail. Why we must forgive them. He discusses
the Judeo Christian meditation and why it is helpful.
June 19, 2011
Today's Talk to a Pastor Radio Topics: Best
Relationships Book and PTSD
Roland introduces his new book on
marriage and then devotes two segments to discussing emotional control and PTSD.
He concludes by telling everyone where to preview his book.
June 12, 2011
Executive Counseling and Counseling for
Roland discusses counseling for
entertainers, military, law enforcement, and clergy. Why support and
reassurances are not enough. The role of resentment in life issues. How to
contact Roland.
June 5, 2011
Should Christians Listen to Modern Music?
Is it okay to listen to rap, heavy
metal and rock? Roland discusses the perils of music, drugs, alcohol & other
forms of ego comfort. "Most people are not mature enough to take it or leave
it." Roland then tells how to refind and become a friend of conscience, regain
self control, and give up addictions.
May 29, 2011
What is True Christianity?
Pastor Roland discusses why people
fall away from religion. True Christianity is not study or ritual, but is found
in realization. Roland answers the question "What is worship?" Roland points out
how people with a mean spirit have driven good people away from the church. How
resentment makes us feel unworthy. How to find your way back to a care free
life, happily serving God and living in freedom and joy. The Best of Roland --
originally aired January 16, 2011.
May 22, 2011
Ask a Pastor
Several people ask about rumors of
the rapture coming soon. A lady asks if she should divorce her husband. Roland
takes up the issue of church music modern and traditional. Roland talks about
his pastoral counseling.
May 15, 2011
Ask a Pastor About Dating, Courtship &
Roland answers questions from his
inbox. A listener asks about why God allows suffering. Next Roland talks about
the difference between dating and courtship. He talks about what to look for
when choosing a mate.
May 8, 2011
Pastor's Inbox - Scary Things at Night
Roland answers a question about
what to do when your small child is afraid at night and wants to sleep in the
parents' room. Roland talks about what to do when you wake up to something scary
yourself. Roland discusses the power of awareness and prayer. He talks about his
new consultations using Skype.
May 1, 2011
What is True Christianity?
Pastor Roland discusses why people
fall away from religion. True Christianity is not study or ritual, but is found
in realization. Roland answers the question "What is worship?" Roland points out
how people with a mean spirit have driven good people away from the church. How
resentment makes us feel unworthy. How to find your way back to a care free
life, happily serving God and living in freedom and joy. The Best of Roland --
originally aired January 30, 2011.
April 24, 2011
Tiger Moms, Weak Fathers and Disturbed Kids
Pastor Roland discusses how
childhood traumas haunt the adult child of dysfunctional parents. How pressure
and confusion cause rebellion and conformity. Roland recites how a weak or
violent father causes unhappy and broken families. If you are the adult child of
a dysfunctional parent, Pastor Roland has online resources to help you resolve
your issues.
April 17, 2011
Pastor Chat - Recent Questions
Roland answers some questions. Is
it wrong to break a promise to God? If Jesus loves people, why does He send them
to hell? I'm a proud 18 year old Christian -- can I have a tattoo with a Bible
verse? A lady asks: Am I committing adultery? A man wants to know how he can
prove to himself that God exists.
April 10, 2011
"How Do I Stop Over Reacting?"
Roland begins by discussing this
frequently asked question. He describes how our emotional reactions begin and
how to calm down. He talks about how to find self discipline and why the
meditation is so important. Roland says his website provides the information and
the tech support to regain self control.
April 3, 2011
How Do I Get Saved?
Roland answers this question from
his inbox. He discusses what repentance is and why it is the key to salvation.
What Christ had to say about repentance.
March 27, 2011
Understanding and Practicing Christian
Meditation, Part I
Pastor Roland takes this ancient
art and brings it up to date with a discussion of hypnosis, brainwashing,
conditioned response and mind control. Why do people do things they know are
wrong? Why can't they simply stop themselves? Roland answers these questions and
more in this fascinating lecture.
March 20, 2011
Roland's Inbox
Roland discusses recent questions.
Lady's boyfriend leaves for another woman after 7 years. College student hearing
voices who say mean things. Husband says wife asked him to move out. Several
people ask how God can allow catastrophes and suffering. Roland concludes with
info about
March 13, 2011
What is Love?
Roland says that love is not a
feeling. Why most people think love is an emotion. Why real love never fails.
Roland talks about his relationships blog and reading resources.
March 6, 2011
Move Forward to Joy
Why God is the missing element in
our therapies. Roland discusses resentment and how it makes us negative. He
talks about not resenting our parents and finding forgiveness for others. He
mentions his counseling service and how to contact him.
February 27, 2011
Truth with Love Sets You Free
Roland discusses how false love
enslaves. How we become addicted to drugs and false comforts. We need to wake up
from the comfort zone. Why we need someone who will tell us the truth with love.
February 20, 2011
How to Solve All Your Problems
Pastor Roland discusses how God
gave us all intuition. We must learn to be still, accept its admonishments and
live intuitively. Why we can't find salvation externally. Roland talks about how
the meditation helps you regain self control and inner motivation.
February 13, 2011
Roland Explains the Bible: The Truth Shall
Make You Free
What does the famous verse about
the truth setting us free really mean? Roland explains how the Truth begins to
set us free. He shows where to find the truth. He also talks about lies and how
a lie accepted enslaves us until the truth sets us free when we admit it isn't
February 6, 2011
Pastor Roland's Inbox
This week's questions: "Will God
forgive us for living together?" Pastor Roland says: Yes, but.... He then
discusses why living together is not the greatest idea. Another person asks,
"Does God talk to us in dreams?"
January 30, 2011
What is True Christianity?
Pastor Roland discusses why people
fall away from religion. True Christianity is not study or ritual, but is found
in realization. Roland answers the question "What is worship?" Roland points out
how people with a mean spirit have driven good people away from the church. How
resentment makes us feel unworthy. How to find your way back to a care free
life, happily serving God and living in freedom and joy. The Best of Roland --
originally aired January 16, 2011.
January 23, 2011
How to Keep Your Sanity in a World Gone Mad
Roland discusses why there is a
need for a radio and internet pastor. How you lost touch with your native wisdom
and how to refind it. Roland discusses true religion, common sense and
intuition. How Christian meditation can help restore you to your center of
January 16, 2011
What is True Christianity?
Pastor Roland discusses why people
fall away from religion. True Christianity is not study or ritual, but is found
in realization. Roland answers the question "What is worship?" Roland points out
how people with a mean spirit have driven good people away from the church. How
resentment makes us feel unworthy. How to find your way back to a care free
life, happily serving God and living in freedom and joy.
January 9, 2011
Talk to a Pastor
Roland introduces his exciting new
program "Talk to a Pastor." Roland discusses why forgiveness is good for us and
why forgiving is not as hard as we think. Roland announces that he is available
online for live chat, telephone and email consultation "when you want to talk to
a pastor." Roland will be available 7 days a week. The Best
of Roland -- originally aired December 26, 2010.
January 2, 2011
The Pastor is on the Air
Roland discusses his new Talk to a
Pastor program and how you can ask him questions about relationships and
emotional issues. In the second half of the program, Roland talks about men and
why they must be responsible and be there for their partners and kids.